
strategic ASCENT

Proven Strategic Planning Facilitation that Drives Alignment and Successful Execution

You know the importance of developing and executing a solid strategy. You also know that it's no easy task. And you aren't alone. With our proven process and tools, we help CEOs face these challenges and more...

  • How do I ensure that I am setting the right strategic direction & plan for my company?
  • How do I ensure that my team is motivated and aligned to execute on the plan?
  • How do I get my C-Suite to work together at a higher level?
  • How do I ensure we have a system & processes in place to drive accountability and follow through on our plan?
  • How do I build and/or upgrade a C-Suite Leadership team ready to take the company to the next level?
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What sets our strategic planning program apart?

Here are the top reasons we stand out above the rest...

  1. Proven methodology and toolkit built over 2 decades in collaboration with our CEO client network
  2. Seasoned former CEO and C-Suite facilitators with insight and experience to drive fast track outputs
  3. Rigorous pre-work including interviews conducted with the CEO and C-Suite that are compiled and analyzed by our team -- all focused on driving alignment
  4. Highly productive working sessions that produce clear, actionable, agreed-upon deliverables, every time
  5. Flexible, on-going coaching support to ensure execution of the plan
  6. Tools to drive accountability and execution including an agreed upon cadence of strategy meetings, scorecard and clear goals and measures. The process works!
“Katahdin Group knows how to facilitate solid discussions with the leadership team. They keep the session and objectives on-point."
Kari Taylor
VP of Sales and Branch Operations
Member since
The Strategic Ascent methodology focuses teams to drive results

Our time-tested methodology starts with our Strategic Facilitators soliciting the feedback of the executive team on their view of the SWOT and future goals, while concurrently working with the CEO to develop their vision for the company.  

These key pre-work elements set the stage for the offsite strategy planning session where we work with the team to efficiently develop a SWOT and annual strategic goals. The planning process also helps teams come to an agreement on a cadence and an organizational alignment plan for the whole company, focused on reaching the goals.

Additional outputs include action plans, a strategic scorecard and our strategic case process to drive progress throughout the year.

Strategic Leaders diagram
Strategic Ascent proven planning process

Successful strategic planning and alignment starts long before the offsite.

It's our belief that by the time all members of the executive team arrive around the strategy table, much of the hardest work should be complete.

Our proven process follows these seven phases:

  1. CEO Needs Assessment - Clarity of objectives and expectation setting
  2. CEO Preparation - CEO Direction Deck™ collaboration
  3. Leadership Team Preparation - Team interviews and pre-work
  4. Program Design Review, customized as needed - 2-day and 4-day option, adapted to meet client needs and objectives
  5. Development of Materials for Offsite - Customized application of Strategic Leaders Methodology™
  6. Delivery of High-Impact Offsite Sessions - Including post offsite participant satisfaction evaluation
  7. Post Offsite Debrief – Chance to review flexible support options
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A sample of the Strategic Ascent Toolkit

When we facilitate strategic planning with our clients we bring a powerful portfolio of "CEO tested, CEO approved" tools to the table to support the multi-level phases of the process. When the planning is complete, the team walks away with the tools they need to successfully execute on and be held accountable to the final strategy.

The Strategic Ascent Toolkit includes:

  • Structured leadership team prep documents
  • CEO Direction Deck™ 
  • One-page Katahdin Strategic Scorecard™ and metrics 
  • Operational dashboard and functional plans
  • Action plan
  • Katahdin Case™ methodology
Additional offerings

Extended Support Services

Support service option extensions for our Strategic Ascent clients include CEO 1-1 support, 1-on-1 case prep and ongoing strategy meeting facilitation.

Next Level Leadership Workshops

Our "Next Level" workshops are available to current clients who wish to get their next level of leadership more engaged, higher-performing and ready for succession.

Meet some of our Strategic Ascent members
Jaime McKinley
W.F. Young
Member since
James Cabot
President & CEO
Member since
Jason Maxwell
MP: Wired for HR
Member since
Barry Hume
Matter Surfaces
President & CEO
Member since
Chuck Cohen
Benco Dental
Managing Director
Member since
Chris Vickers
STARC Systems
President & CEO
Member since
Raj Indupuri
eClinical Solutions LLC
Member since
Dave MacKeen
Eliassen Group
Member since
Meet our Strategic Ascent facilitators
Our team of experienced Strategic Facilitators have a depth of business experience and are steeped in Katahdin Group's proven methology and processes. The are trusted partners to the companies they work with, helping leadership teams navigate the challenges of annual planning with greater ease and confidence.

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